Need Some Learning Advice



Hello all, I have not been very active the last 1 month or so due to my last set of law school finals. In addition, I won't have much time for learning Spanish for the next two months as I will be spending most of my time preparing for the bar examination (required to get an attorney license here in the US). The free time that I do have I try to spend doing some physical activity, or even just brainless activity. With that said, I do want to build a minimal Spanish routine into my schedule. Something like 10-15 minutes a day to keep my from regressing too far. Do any of you have suggestions on quick and easy learning activities to keep me ready to continue progression from where I am in another 2 and a half months? I am not looking to improve, but just to be ready to continue from where I am now. Thanks.


When I went through a similar period I found that listening to the lessons while driving helped me a lot. I downloaded all the mp3 format lessons and burned them to a CD, and had a lessons playing whenever I went somewhere (actually I still do that), even going to the grocery store for 10 minutes. I admit that I wasn't always listening very intently, or paying close attention to the lesson, but the subliminal effect seems to work to keep me involved with the lessons. Having said that, I'm not in a carpool or similar, so I'm always driving solo. I find myself talking back to the lessons a lot (might not work well with public transportation). Another idea that I did was to go back and read through the Language lessons (the grammar portion) starting with 1.1, and picking a lesson to look at every few days or so. No need to really study hard, just read through it and see if you missed anything.

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