Forum Rocket Spanish Spanish - Grammar No quiera hacerme creer que ha desertado pero

No quiera hacerme creer que ha desertado pero



No quiera hacerme creer que ha desertado pero que se ha sentido en la obligación de venir a avisarme antes de desaparecer. Eso es pueril —dijo Pierre, levantando la voz.

This first verb in the subjunctive really surprised me. I suppose it's implied: "Que no quiera hacerme que...". I guess I'm just not used to seeing this usage (i.e., with no leading "que") other than in stock phrases like "¡Viva el rey!"

marieg-rocket languages

marieg-rocket languages

Hi Steven, 

The way I see the first sentence it's also a negative command: "No quiera hacerme creer"... I understand you would use the imperative only for direct, positive commands to the 2nd. person. For everything else, an elliptic sentence with the subjunctive is used.

I hope this helps!



Ah, of course, a negative command. I didn't see that. Thanks, Marie.

Regarding subjunctives with no triggers (an issue that's come up a few times), the course actually has a number of these (though please correct me if I've got it wrong). Example:

- Hubieras debido disculparte. You should have apologized.
marieg-rocket languages

marieg-rocket languages

Hi Steven, 

Yes, the course does have quite a few phrases using subjunctives with no triggers; "Hubieras debido" is definitely one of them :) A compound subjunctive tense. 


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