no te preocupes?



Hola. In the "Conversación en español" section of this forum, I wanted to tell someone not to worry. I said "no te preocupes," mostly because my _Big Red Book of Spanish Verbs_ gives that as an example. However, I wonder why that's correct. I thought that to form the imperative for tú, you drop the -s of the present tense form. (Indeed, that's also what the Big Red Book says in its grammar section.) Can someone explain to me why "no te preocupes" is correct? Muchas gracias.


Hi nohablo, It's because a negative command conjugates differently than an affirmative command. I just learned this recently myself. Randy


Hola Randy. Thanks _very_ much! I can't believe that I completely ignored the information about negative command forms, which was on the _same page_ in _The Big Red Book of Spanish Verbs_ that I consulted.:oops: Duh.... (¿Cómo se dice "duh..." en español? :wink: )


[quo]*Quote:* (¿Cómo se dice "duh..." en español? )[/quo] Se dice ... "¡DUH!" :lol: :lol: :lol:

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