Nos and Nosotros



In lesson 6.7 the following sentences are made: Nos falta un escritorio para la oficina. Nos falton dos jugadores en el equipo de futbol. Nos gusta estudiar la gegrafia. Why isn't it "Nosotros"? If you used nosotros would that be incorrect, or can one use either?
Ava Dawn

Ava Dawn

I think if the subject is Yo, Tu, El Ella Ud, Nosotros, Vosotros Ellos, Ellas Ustedes, then the verb has to be conjugated as such. Nosotros faltamos. I think the nos is not the subject, it is probably an indirect object. I am sure the others can explain it better. I just wanted to try discussing it.


Hola a todos, Aurora is right. Nos is the indirect object pronoun. This is explained in the Language & Culture section for 6.7. Saludos, Ricardo

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