Forum Rocket Spanish Spanish - Grammar olvidemonos de esto y solo amemonos.. Let's forget about this and just love each other

olvidemonos de esto y solo amemonos.. Let's forget about this and just love each other



I understand the object pronoun NOS attached at the end of the verb, but i cannot find any verb conjugations as olvidemo or  amemo.. However, There ARE verbs olvidemoS and amemoS in the subjunctive.


I had read that this was the first person plural imperative but I cannot find olvidemo or amemo on any conjugation charts for the verb amar and olvidar



¡Hola Ken3883!

Thanks for your question!

What we have here are indeed imperatives in the first person plural (the English equivalent of which are essentially “let's” commands). These kinds of commands are built using the present subjunctive nosotros / nosotras form of the verb. However, when you add a pronoun that starts with the letter N or S onto this kind of imperative, then the final -s in the verb form usually gets dropped.  

So here's a visual breakdown of the progression for each of these verbs: 

olvidar “to forget”: olvidemos olvidemo-olvidémonos
amar “to love”: amemos amemo-amémonos

If you'd like a full explanation on nosotros / nosotras imperatives, complete with examples and guidelines for accent placement, you can check out Lesson 17.6 “Getting Bossy (Formally and in Groups).”

I hope that this has been helpful!



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