Pa Bajo?



I have heard "Vamos pa bajo" to mean let's go downstairs or pa arriba. Is this correct grammar and if not, what is the correct word in place of "pa"? para? or should it be "a" bajo?


I too have seen something very similar where pa' (note apostrophe) is used in place of para. I have seen it in literature and also in some titles of latin music. So I guess it is PARA Sal2 Nev


My wife is a native speaker and she says to say "Vamos para abajo" This is the proper phrase, whereas the other is considered slang.


There are many Latin dialects where words like "para" are shortened. I wouldn't consider it _incorrect _usage. I'd just consider it a regional difference.


Indeed pa' is short for "para." As Amy mentioned, it is due to regional dialects. I try to use pa alot because most of the latinos I associate with are from Puerto Rico - and Puerto Ricans use pa'.


[quo]*Quote from * nevjohnson I have seen it in literature and also in some titles of latin music. [/quo] Speaking of latin music, that reminds me of when Cuban-American rapper, Pitbull, said, ¡Ven pa'ca!, in his song entitled, "Toma". When I first heard that part of the song, is when I realized how the shortening of 'para' is used.

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