Para & para que



Hi Liss,

Can you help

Te daré tiempo para que lo pienses

Because there are two subjects i and you  i used para que 

And then it goes subjunctive  think about it

but when i write

te daré dos horas ,,, it goes ,,, para pensarlo.


why ..

should it not be para que lo pienses 


as there are still two subjects and it expresses purpose ( i think)

i will give you two hours. ( in order ) to think about it 

Two subjects… use para que instead of para

i will give you time (in order) to think about it


what am I missing.








Sorry Liss straight after i posted this i saw this during the lesson


no necesitas creelo para ser la verdad

And i thought 

this has two subjects you , it (hopefully this is correct)

and para ,, but should it not be para que sea la verdad 

sorry to add this one as well.





¡Hola VR143!

I'll split my answers up here, to help keep things easier to read! 

1. Para que lo pienses vs. Para pensarlo

You have the option of saying either Te daré tiempo para que lo pienses or Te daré tiempo para pensarlo to mean “(I) will give you time to think about it” - both are fine. The difference between them is a bit tricky to explain, but essentially, we're dealing with two different types of sentence constructions. 

In Te daré tiempo para que lo pienses, you're more literally saying “(I) will give you time so that (you can) think about it.” So here, you're using para que to mean “so that” and you're switching to a second subject (tu) for the second verb, pensar “to think” - all of which means that you need to use the subjunctive with pensar

In Te daré tiempo para pensarlo, you're saying “(I) will give you time to think about it.” Here, you're using para to mean "to" and you're not mentioning a second subject. In fact, para pensarlo “to think about it” is essentially qualifying tiempo “time”: what are you giving to the other person is tiempo para pensarlo “time to think about it.” Whoever would be doing the action of thinking is neither important nor specified.

2. No necesitas creerlo para ser la verdad.

I agree with you that No necesitas creerlo para que sea la verdad would be a more logical way of saying “(You) don't need to believe it for (it) to be the truth,” and it would certainly be correct. No necesitas creerlo para ser la verdad strikes me as something that is not strictly speaking grammatically correct, but that people say in casual conversation anyway. I'll pass this one on to the Spanish team to look into!

Thanks VR143, and I hope all of this is helpful! :) 



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