I am confused about the grammer rules regarding the use of por and para. Im not sure what to use when. Any feedback will be appreciated.
Gracias :roll:
Para vs. Por

September 8, 2006

September 8, 2006
Hi. Yes, por vs. para drives me nuts, too. And I'm not alone--had you searched the forum, you'd probably have found the following thread, which deals with exactly the question you asked:
In addition to this useful thread, I'd recommend the Rocket Spanish Advanced Book, which devotes section 3.5 to POR VS. PARA.
¡Buena suerte!

October 20, 2006
One can also log on to: https://www.rocketlanguages.com/spanish/, click Spanish Grammar (under Free Spanish Lessons), then scroll down to Prepositions Part III: POR and PARA.
It also may help.