I know that the English word “for” can be used in many different contexts, but I have a problem with “por” vs. “para” in the lesson about travel. “For how many days?” is translated “por cuantos dias”, while “For how many people?” is translated as “para cuantas personas”. This is in the same lesson, and used in the exact same context. Why?
Para vs. por

January 27, 2021

January 27, 2021
Hola EdwardM30,
The difference between por and para is pretty extensive and is covered in level 2 module 12.6 in the language and culture section. In this case “¿Por cuántos días?” por is used for duration of time.""¿Para cuántas personas?" Para is used as there are recipients. The tour is for “para” las personas. Module 12.6 will clear this up. It's tricky in the beginning but with time it will be almost instinctive as to which one to use. Hope this helps.

January 28, 2021
Thank you very much, Ricardo. I really appreciate it.

January 28, 2021
De nada amigo.