Hable mas despacio por favor,
This is an imperative. Why is the the verb not habla rather than hable.
Hable is sunjunctive and this is not the mood
November 25, 2022
Hable mas despacio por favor,
This is an imperative. Why is the the verb not habla rather than hable.
Hable is sunjunctive and this is not the mood
November 25, 2022
Hola Ken3883,
Hable is the formal Ud imperative, it's the same as the subjunctive. Habla is the familiar tú imperative. Hope this helps and perhaps Liss will have more to add.
November 28, 2022
¡Hola Ken3883 y ricardo-rich!
Your explanation is great, Ricardo!
If you're already familiar with the subjunctive and would like to learn about using the usted form of the imperative, Ken3883, then you might want to check out Lesson 17.6: Getting Bossy (Formally and in Groups).
If you haven't quite gotten into the subjunctive yet, though, then it's best to leave learning exactly how to create usted commands until later. So for now, I'd recommend just memorizing any handy phrases that may come up in the Interactive Audio lessons, and leaving the details of this topic until you've mastered conjugating in the subjunctive.
I hope that this is helpful!