My Spanish friend tells me this sentence is correct: Estoy *un* poc*o* loc*a* hoy. (I am female). Why isn't it: Estoy una poca loca hoy???? I don't get it. Sometimes poco changes to poca and sometimes it doesn't?? Hope someone can help me figure this one out! Gracias!
Poco doesn't change to poca???

November 19, 2007

January 3, 2008
Hola Schrades,
This is a hard one, one of those things ou just know because I've been doing it all my life... I had to look it up as I could only think of a few instances where you could use "poca".. anyway here is what I found....
The only time that "poco" seems to change into "poca" is when it's being used as an adjective describing a lack of quantity or quality...
Some examples:
Tenemos poca agua.
La carne es de muy poca calidad.
If anyone elser knows anythign about this please don't be afraid of correcting me.
All the best and I hope that helped.

January 3, 2008
I appreciate your response. Despite my meager knowledge of Spanish, I have been given the task of teaching young children Spanish and I know they will ask me what I asked you as we spend a great deal of time matching adjectives to the gender of the noun they describe. I guess it is just one of those things!