In lesson 7.2, we hear this about the kitchen: "Está un poco sucia."
Why is it not: "Está un *poca * sucia"? I thought there needed to be a gender match here. Why isn't there one?
Thank you,
Poco or Poca?

October 15, 2008

October 16, 2008
Hi Gregorio.
With my humble knowledge about grammar I would think "poco" in this setting is an adverb related to "sucia" and not an adjective of its own. Therefore no change in gender as the maculine form is also the neutral form. Hope I'm not too far from the truth :D

October 16, 2008
Found this explanation on
m. gram. *Parte invariable* de la oración cuya función consiste en modificar la significación del verbo (vive lejos), de un adjetivo (extraordinariamente activo) o de otro adverbio (muy poco agradable): atendiendo a su clasificación semántica, hay adverbios de lugar, tiempo, modo, cantidad, afirmación, negación, duda y orden.
Parte invariable, an non-variable part, so no adjustment to the gender
Chris, again :P

May 27, 2012
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May 27, 2012
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June 13, 2012
Chris just gave the correct answer!! the only thing that changes the gender its the noun itself, so in this case, you will say "La ropa esta un poco sucia"....or "El perro esta un poco sucio"...see??? "sucio" and "sucia" depends on the noun, either male or female....
I hope this helps,
Greetings from Tijuana Mexico!!
QUe tengas un buen dia!