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Por, de, or en la mañana

February 25, 2023

February 25, 2023
I have heard “de la mañana” is mostly used with time. “Llego a las siete de la mañana.”
The other use is when you mean something is literally of the morning. “Soy una criatura de la mañana, pero mi compañero de cuarto es una criatura de la noche.”
I have heard “por la mañana” and "en la mañana" are essentially equivalents ane mean “in the morning” in the general sense. “Te veré en la mañana."
As usual, I look forward to seeing what Lis has to say!

February 28, 2023
¡Hola Al22 y Scott_C!
Scott_C is absolutely on the right track!
All three of these phrases can be used to mean “in the morning,” but de la mañana specifically should only be used together with the time. En la mañana and por la mañana, on the other hand, are used without the time. These two are interchangeable in Latin America, although you'll find that native speakers from different regions tend to prefer one over the other. Some may even say a la mañana instead - but this is much less common!
Let me know if you still have any questions!

February 28, 2023
Whew, glad to see I was on track. Thanks Liss!