Thirty, for which there's going to be a huge celebration.
Treinta, por lo que debería ser una celebración grande.
I got the treinta and una celebracion grande. Can someone comment on the por (for) lo que deberia ser?. I know that lots of times the word for word translation does not work and I was just gonna memorize the Spanish translation but decided that someone might be able to comment on this.
Por lo que deberia ser

Ava Dawn
August 31, 2014

August 31, 2014
Hola Aurora,
I think a better translation would be: Thirty, for which there should be or (ought to be) a huge celebration. To me if it were to be said as in the given translation it would be: Treinta, por lo que va a ser una celebración grande. Just my thoughts, perhaps we will hear from Cristian about this.

September 1, 2014
Bienvenida a Rocket Spanish Platinum!