I'm so sorry if this is a waste of time, but I'm a little desperate for an answer. In my studies, I came across a translation for "Busco" to mean "I am looking." I was told by someone that it only means "I look." My questions are: Does it actually mean "I am looking" and "I look" or is "Busco" special in some way, but other verbs (bebo, necesito...) only have the one translation (I drink, I need...), or is my friend wrong and the verbs have both translation options (I am drinking and I drink, I am needing and I need...), OR, is the lesson giving me a poor translation due to my novice speaking ability and will move to a more complex lesson later with Estoy buscando... Phew. That was a little long-winded, but I hope I got my confusion across clearly.
Thank you to any and all who help me with this.
Thank you to any and all who help me with this.