This comes from the Travelog course 1.1. Is there an implied hasta in the phrase which justifies the use of the subjunctive here?
- - probablemente hasta hagas windsurf y paracaidismo.
October 21, 2022
This comes from the Travelog course 1.1. Is there an implied hasta in the phrase which justifies the use of the subjunctive here?
October 24, 2022
¡Hola Steven-W15!
Thanks for your question!
In this sentence, the subjunctive trigger is actually the word probablemente "probably." This word can be followed by the indicative when you want to show certainty and by the subjunctive when you want to show doubt (like tal vez “maybe” or quizás “perhaps”). In this instance, Miguel wants to convey a degree of uncertainty about his assumptions.
I hope that this helps! Let me know if you still have any questions!
October 27, 2022
Of course! Thanks, Liss.