Professor Jason Videos



Hola a todos, Here is a link to the Table of Contents, so to speak, of Professor Jason videos. Until recently I have been searching them out on You Tube in a random way. Others may have already found this but if not, it makes things easier. Saludos, Ricardo


Ricardo: Estos videos son muy interesantes. Gracias por compartir. Dan


Hola Dan, De nada amigo . I have found these videos to be quite helpful and I hope you will as well. I have posted before that I am now understanding the subjunctive tenses much better after a great deal of time of struggling with them. Yesterday I watched two of the Jason videos. One was about the past perfect subjunctive and the other about the usage of "se". There was a post awhile back about the "reciprocal" reflexive usage of "se"that I remember you, myself, and others discussed. The lesson regarding "se" addresses that and it's many other uses. It is very informative as are all of the Jason lessons. I must say that after watching two in a row I was feeling kinda brain tired. Saludos, Ricardo
Ava Dawn

Ava Dawn

I have watched Professor Jason before. I like it. It is nice to have a face talking and explaining things to you.

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