


Hola, * Lo quiero ver. Quiero verlo. I want to see * Is this correct, Why can't I do this to all the verbs?


Not (yet) sure about when you can, and when you cannot, do it that way, but your translation is not correct. What you have written is "I want to see *it/him*", not " I want to see." Alan


Well, strictly and literally speaking, his translation is not correct. However it can definitely be correct depending on the context. If some children were huddled around the new PlayStation, another child my walk up and say, "I wanna see," the "it" being implied, and in Spanish it would be "quiero verlo."


[quo]*Quote from * ChrisJames Hola, * Lo quiero ver. Quiero verlo. I want to see * Is this correct, Why can't I do this to all the verbs?[/quo] You have the pronoun _lo_ connected to the infinitive. This you can do with any verb in the infinitive form (they will end with "er" "ar" or "ir"). You can also do it with the forms ending in "ando" or "iendo." With other forms, you have to put the pronoun in front of the verbs. What you have written is "I want to see it." The pronoun _lo_ (meaning _it_ )can be either way that you have it written. You don't have to connect it to the infinitive. But it would have to be in front of the verbs or connected to the infinitive. In other words, you could not say "Quiero lo ver."

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