Puedo comes from poner (I think). It is first person.
But I am not sure of the tense.

April 7, 2015

April 7, 2015
Hola George,
"Puedo" is the first person present tense of the verb poder: to be able, can etc. The infinitive poner means : to put or place, set.
"Puedo" is the first person present tense of the verb poder: to be able, can etc. The infinitive poner means : to put or place, set.

April 7, 2015
Thanks Recardo,
I should have known. I have used it before. I got confused when SpanishDict returned Poner as the infinitive for pueder.
I should have known. I have used it before. I got confused when SpanishDict returned Poner as the infinitive for pueder.

April 7, 2015
The first person conjugation of poner is
pongo. I guess if use
SpanishDict to search for a conjugated verb, you
better check the resulting conjugations to see if it really found a

April 9, 2015
I second what Robert said. You can't trust everything on
SpanishDict or any of the various online translators. It's
amazing what they can translate, and it's amazing what they
miss. Just for to see for sure what you were seeing, I went
to SpanishDict and typed in "puedo" and ended up at
Poner. That would sure be confusing. "Puede" took me to
Poder so I'm not sure what's going on at SpanishDict to cause that
particular error.

April 9, 2015
Awhile back I wanted a really good Spanish/English dictionary, so I
went shopping at Barnes and Noble and bought Barron's. Not only is
it a good dictionary in printed form, it came with a CD version
that I could load onto my computer that I use even more often. The
nicest thing about the computer version is if I type in a
conjugated verb form, such as puedo, it returns the infinitive of
the verb, poder in this case. Really handy for solving problems
like George's, where you just aren't sure where the conjugation
came from.

April 9, 2015
Good idea Robert. Although I should have known peudo came poder.
When spanishdict returned ponor I did check the conjugation table
and nothing showed up. That''s what prompted my question. I
probably need to be more aggressive in checking other sources.
Thanks for your recommendation Dan.