que or qué



In lesson 12.1, “I don't know what to buy” and “I don't know what type of gift I should buy” are translated as “no sé  que comprar” and “no sé que tipo de regalo debo comprar”. Why is “what” translated as “que” instead of “qué"?  


Thank you. 



¡Hola JinH y Al22!


Thanks for your question, JinH, and for chiming in, Al22! 

Que needs to be written with the accent (i.e. as qué) in both direct and indirect questions and these two sentences are indirect questions, so you're absolutely right in thinking that they should be written as No sé qué comprar and No sé qué tipo de regalo debo comprar, JinH. I will ask the Spanish team to correct these typos.


It's worth noting at the same time that que also requires the accent when it's being used in an exclamation (i.e. according to the formula ¡Qué + [adjective/noun]!). So the accent would actually be required in the second two sentences you've noted as well, Al22 - as ¡Qué vista linda! and ¡Qué guapa! 

I hope that's helpful - and our apologies for those missing accents, JinH!







Thank you Liss and AI22

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