What is the difference between que and de que in terms of que being a relative pronoun and de que being a conjunction. I see de que used in place of que all the time, but have no idea why. In terms of being understood does it matter using one instead of the other. I can find an example from the lessons if needed.
que vs de que

your monkeys uncle
October 28, 2010

your monkeys uncle
October 29, 2010
Here is an example:
Son la personificación de que el esfuerzo da frutos.
Why not:
Son la personificacion que el esfuerzo da frutos.

January 5, 2011
de que el = of the
que el = that the

your monkeys uncle
January 6, 2011
Where did you get that? Is it in the lessons somewhere?

January 6, 2011
It's not in the lessons and I may be wrong. I put both sentences in a translator and that was the only difference in the translations. Of course, that could be only in this case, not always. Maybe someone else will have a better idea.

January 7, 2011
See if you can replace "that" with "which" in your sentence and if it still makes sense, use "que", otherwise use "de que". "de que" is a conjuction, meaning "of", while "que" is just a relative pronoun.