Why in the phrase Que tengas un buen fin de semana does the e in que not have an accent mark and why in the phrase que bueno does the e in que have an accent mark?
Sting Rea
April 15, 2022
Why in the phrase Que tengas un buen fin de semana does the e in que not have an accent mark and why in the phrase que bueno does the e in que have an accent mark?
April 16, 2022
Hola DonnieR5,
In the first phrase que is “that”. Literal translation: That you have a good weekend. But a natural translation is: Have a good weekend. The speaker is expressing a wish, desire, so tener is in the subjunctive which you will learn about later. For now it's a useful phrase as is que tenga (formal) tengas (inf) un buen día. Have a good day. Qué bueno is an exclamation. Geat! The accent changes the meaning and both with and without are used in a number of ways which you can research. For now I hope this helps and perhaps Liss will reply. Que tengas un buen día amigo.
April 19, 2022
¡Hola DonnieR5 y ricardo-rich!
I don't have too much to add to what Ricardo has said, DonnieR5, as he's got it exactly right: the accent is added to que in ¡Qué bueno! “How good! / How nice! / That's great!” because this is an exclamation (made following the formula ¡Qué + [adjective/noun]!), but it's not added in ¡Que tengas un buen fin de semana! “Have a good weekend!" because this is an indirect command (made following the formula Que + [subjunctive phrase]).
If you already know a bit about the subjunctive at this point in your learning, you might be interested to check out the section “QUE + Subjunctive” in Lesson 17.7 “Commanding Indirectly,” which explains how you can create these kinds of indirect commands. If you haven't got to the subjunctive yet, though, then you don't need to worry about how this works just yet!
I hope that this has been helpful. If you still have any questions, don't hesitate to ask!