I want to know why in this sentence, " Me preguntaron si te conoc[i]a, pero les dije que no." Why does one have to have the "que" in front of the no? It seems to extra verbage.
Also, how do I turn on the Spanish assists to the words in the Member Forum?
Thank you,
Henk Roelant
Question on Advanced Spanish, Section 4.1 Example 2, pg.90

January 9, 2009

January 9, 2009
[quo]*Quote from * haroelant
I want to know why in this sentence, " Me preguntaron si te conoc[i]a, pero les dije que no." Why does one have to have the "que" in front of the no? It seems to extra verbage.
Also, how do I turn on the Spanish assists to the words in the Member Forum?
Hola Henk. I suspect that the answer to your first question is "just because" :D . We have lots of expressions in English whose wording we simply accept, and the same thing is true in Spanish. One very common expression that one hears in Spanish all the time is "Claro que sí." I think that's similar to the phrasing you asked about. It's that way because it's that way. :wink: Perhaps someone more knowledgeable has a better answer.
I'm not sure what you mean by the "Spanish assists." If you're referring to a way to make foreign language characters, I can't find a way on this forum, though I have a vague memory of someone's having said such things existed. Frankly, though, I'd advise you not to depend on anything specific to this forum, since you won't be able to use it outside this forum. Instead, you're better off either getting a program such as AllChars (__http://allchars.zwolnet.com/__) that you can put on your computer and use all the time, or (even better, IMHO) learn the ALT+3 or ALT+4 method described here: __http://www.starr.net/is/type/kbh.html#alt__. The advantage of this system is that you can use it anywhere, on almost any computer (I've used it even on computers in other countries).

January 10, 2009
I'm not sure what you mean by the "Spanish assists." If you're referring to a way to make foreign language characters, I can't find a way on this forum, though I have a vague memory of someone's having said such things existed.[/quo]
We did have a " special characters" generator on this forum prior to the last update.
I am going to write to Mauricio to ask to bring this feature back.
I advice all of you who are interested to do the same.
I will open a new post called "Spanish character generator" under the Comments and Suggestions section (see __http://www.rocketlanguages.com/spanish/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=15&t=1359__) where you can vote for it.

January 13, 2009
Thank you for your reply. Will do as you suggested.