Forum Rocket Spanish Spanish - Grammar Question on Beginners Book, Section 3.4 "vuestro"

Question on Beginners Book, Section 3.4 "vuestro"



Hello, I note that on page 84 right the highligted section for Understanding Possessive Adjectives there is for the Row, "vuestro/a" the translation "your(formal)". I was under the impression that vuestro/a was the informal version? Otherwise the question posed on Page 95 in the exercises, specifically, Exercise 4 Question 2 should have "vuestros" instead of "sus". Thanks for your help.


Hello Henk, The "vosotros" dilemma is a much talked about one and it really depends where you are on the use that people give it. In most of South America, the vosotros form is not really used, but when you do hear it, it carries a very formal tone. The most common "Formal" form used in South America is of course Usted/Ustedes which is what "sus" is referring to.... I hope that helps.. Mauricio.


Thank you Mauricio for your reply. Sorry I was late getting to you.

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