I'm confused with Spanish lesson 2.1 - Why is "do you want to do" = "quiere hacer" ? I would think it would be "quieres hacer" as you are referring to "you" or "tu"
Question on conjugations

May 7, 2020

May 8, 2020
'You' can be informal (tu/quieres) or formal (usted/quiere)

May 11, 2020
¡Hola MayR107 y pedropedro!
Indeed, as pedropedro points out, quiere here would refer to the formal "you," usted. Spanish actually has a couple of other types of "you" as well, in addition to tú and usted. You can find them all explained in this Language & Culture lesson: https://members.rocketlanguages.com/members/spanish/lessons/676
I hope that this is helpful! Do let me know if you have any other questions!
Indeed, as pedropedro points out, quiere here would refer to the formal "you," usted. Spanish actually has a couple of other types of "you" as well, in addition to tú and usted. You can find them all explained in this Language & Culture lesson: https://members.rocketlanguages.com/members/spanish/lessons/676
I hope that this is helpful! Do let me know if you have any other questions!