In the Advanced Spanish CDs, the phrase, "Me Costó" was used. The translation is "It cost me". Why isn't "Me Costé" used since the é is the first person singular form?
Thank you,
Henk Roelant
Question on "It cost me"

June 3, 2008

June 3, 2008
I'll give this one a shot. The verb is costar (to cost). I cost, you cost, he/she/you/(it) costs, we cost, they/you(pl) cost.
If you used the yo form of the verb, "Me coste" (haven't figured out how to put accents on the computer yet) the phrase would translate to "I cost me". Since you aren't the one costing anything, you use the el/ella/usted form as whatever you bought was the object of the verb.
Now if you wanted to say that "I payed ___ for it" then the yo form would be used as you are the object of the verb.
Hopefully someone can verify this, as I too am still learning.

June 3, 2008
[quo]*Quote from * Spanish Landy
Now if you wanted to say that "I payed ___ for it" then the yo form would be used as you are the object of the verb.[/quo]
Yes, Spanish Landy is correct that you'd use the "yo" form here, and the verb would be pagar, not costar. "Pagué cinco dólares por ese libro" = I paid five dollars for that book. However, I should point out that Spanish Landy is wrong in saying that in the sentence "I paid ____ for it" you would use the yo form _because you are the object of the verb_. The object of the verb "paid" is the amount of money that was paid. The person who paid the money ("I") is the _subject_ of the verb.

June 3, 2008
[quo]*Quote from * Spanish Landy
If you used the yo form of the verb, "Me coste" (haven't figured out how to put accents on the computer yet) [/quo]
The next time you respond to a message on this forum, take a look to your left after you've clicked on "reply." Right above the emoticons you'll see some Spanish special characters you can use. For more information about other possibilities, take a look at the earlier discussions I've referred to here:

June 3, 2008
[quo]*Quote from * nohablo
Yes, Spanish Landy is correct that you'd use the "yo" form here, and the verb would be pagar, not costar. "Pagué cinco dólares por ese libro" = I paid five dollars for that book. However, I should point out that Spanish Landy is wrong in saying that in the sentence "I paid ____ for it" you would use the yo form _because you are the object of the verb_. The object of the verb "paid" is the amount of money that was paid. The person who paid the money ("I") is the _subject_ of the verb.[/quo]
Thanks nohablo. Mixed those up.
I see the characters to the left. Thanks.

June 5, 2008
Thank you all!
Henk Roelant