Forum Rocket Spanish Spanish - Grammar Question use of Cual as per pgs. 102-103 in Advanced Book

Question use of Cual as per pgs. 102-103 in Advanced Book



Hello, I have 2 questions that deal with the use of Cual and its definite article. It is stated on page 102, that "El cual and its forms (la cual, los cuales, las cuales) are used in very specific circumstances: -After prepositions of more than one syllable, e.g. ---The town that I visited yesterday by bus is called Conocoto. --- El pueblo, el cual visite(^) ayer por bus, se llama Conocoto. Question--Where is the preposition in the above sentence? I found out that I don't have room to ask the second question in the space provided so i will as a second topic. Thank you, Henk Roelant


[quo]*Quote from * haroelant ---The town that I visited yesterday by bus is called Conocoto. --- El pueblo, el cual visite(^) ayer por bus, se llama Conocoto. Question--Where is the preposition in the above sentence? [/quo] I think you're right and the book is wrong. The only preposition in the above sentence is by/por, and that's obviously got nothing to do with el cual. In light of this error and the other one you asked about today, I think I'll drop Mauricio a note calling this to his attention.

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