Forum Rocket Spanish Spanish - Grammar Questions - Platiquemos and FSI Programmatic

Questions - Platiquemos and FSI Programmatic



Hi. I was wondering if anyone knows if FSI Programmatic Spanish Lesson 25 is supposed to have audio with it. Mine is missing. Also, can anyone help me obtain the extras that come with Platiquemos? I am referreing to Cantemos (the songs with translations), joke book etc. Thanks.


You can download the audio for the FSI here - As for the "extras" you are referring to with Platiquemos, you can purchase that here -


Hi Loriann, The owner of Platiquemos passed away last year, and so you cannot order the Platiquemos extras (Cantemos etc.) from his site. I tried already. Do you or anyone else know how I can obtain the Platiquemos extras? All I really need are the extras (especially Cantemos - the songs with lyrics and translations). I already have FSI.

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