I have a very quick question.
I'm working my way through the Rocket Spanish course and I have come across
Como te llamas
I also have a book on Latin American Spanish, and this shows
Como se llamas
Can they both be used or is one used in a specific situation? and what is the difference between the se and te?
Quick question

July 2, 2010

July 2, 2010
Hola Pallando. Bienvenido al foro. I suggest you take another look at the Spanish book. My guess is that it says Cómo se llama [without the s at the end]. Both Cómo te llamas and Cómo se llama are ways to ask "What's your name?" [literally, "how are you called?"], but "te llamas" uses the informal "tu" form, while "se llama" uses the more formal "usted" form.

July 3, 2010
Mucho gracias. I understand now.