Reflexive Verbs



I was working the quiz on 20.7.1 and one question involved the verb dormirse. Is..."Me puedo dormirme?" correct or are there actually two reflexive parts in this. I would have expected either..."Puedo dormirme?" or "Me puedo dormir?" Thanks for the help!


Hola Oscar, Gracias... thank you for pointing that out, you are of course correct, it should be "¿puedo dormirme aquí?" I will get someone to fix that up. Muchas gracias Mauricio.


Dear Mauricio, Thank you for your response to my reflexive verb question. I want to say that I totally enjoy your Rocket Spanish. In my effort to learn Spanish I have tried and studied many courses, but it is yours that I like the most. I was working Section 21.5 and don't quite follow some of it. Mostly on the quiz with questions 2 and 4. I don't understand using Te with beberias. Or te with podrias. I am not sure that I understand the meaning of the sentence in #2. Question 4 is a little fuzzy too. I don't know if both 2 and 4 are trying to be reflexive or what. You can wash yourself, get yourself up, dress yourself etc, but can you drink yourself or eat yourself? Also, when do you have to use the imperative subjunctive after si with the conditionals? Some of the time, or all of the time? Thanks for any help you may give me on this, and keep up the good work. Me gustan mucho sus lecciones. Oscar Lake Read more: href="

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