Forum Rocket Spanish Spanish - Grammar Reflexive Verbs and Parts of the Body

Reflexive Verbs and Parts of the Body



In Chapter 6.3 (Rocket Spanish, Beginners Grammar) on Reflexive Verbs, page 148 is the following statement. "In Spanish, parts of the body ARE NEVER preceded by personal pronouns." Is the above statement true ONLY when a part of the body is used with a reflexive verb? Or, does the statement apply at anytime when a part of the body is used in a sentence? Please clarify if I could use a personal pronoun with a part of the body, like when I would asked my dentist, "Are my gums and teeth healthy?" Thanks! Ester


In the example you give, "my" is not a personal pronoun; it is a possessive adjective, so can come before a part of the body. Alan


Alan, Thanks for the reply. But, the examples given in the "Rocket Spanish Beginners Grammar" on pp 148-149 are: I comb my hair. Me peino el pelo. They comb their hair. Ellos se peinan el pelo. I wash my face. Me lavo la cara. I think the above examples are all possessive adjectives (my and their). Please correct me if I am wrong. Or, I guess, Mauricio calls these as "personal pronouns" in the text. Thanks, Ester


Having gone away and re-read my grammer books (how sad is that) I think you are right. The definite article is used when an action is on a part of the body. Alan


Hi there. I agree to your assumption, that Mauricio should have written "possessive" adjective instead of "personal pronoun". That still leaves a part of your initial questions unanswered. You obviously can't say "Peino mi pelo" due to the "possessive adjective/body part/reflexive verb"-rule. But it's still unclarified whether you can say "Mi pelo es rubio" or whether you have to avoid the combination possessive adjective/body part/verb by phrasing it like f.eks."Tengo el pelo rubio" If that's the core of your question I am as interested as you to get an answer. :? I myself would like to believe it only applies to the "possessive adjective/body part/reflexive verb"-rule. Pero no sé nada. :roll: Chris

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