Forum Rocket Spanish Spanish - Grammar se le ha perdido VS. ha perdido

se le ha perdido VS. ha perdido



¿Es correcto en lugar de "*se le ha perdido*" decir mas corto "*ha pedido*"? en las situaciones como, por ejemplo: *A ella se le han perdido las llaves.* _VS._ *Ella ha pedido las llaves.* *A él se le ha perdido su dinero suelto.* _VS._ *Él ha perdido su dinero suelto.* Gracias.


I was a bit curious about this myself, so I posted a thread in WordReference. At first glance it seems you're correct, but take a look at this thread __ to see if anyone has added anything different.


Hi, The way I myself see it, is that you can use either or, but the "Se le han..." emphasizes the fact that they are lost, where "ha ..." simply states that they are lost. In conversational terms they are both much and the same... Hasta luego.... Mauricio.

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