Se Puede



Hi, I am a newbe on this Forum and this is my first Post. I hope I do it ok. My question is the verb Puede, I have noticed that sometimes the prefix Se is put before Puede, I know there must be a rule for when this is done, but I dont know what it is. Thanks for any help you can give me. Umpaw.


Hello Umpaw, That is a very good question. “Se” is defenetly one of the most versatile words in the Spanish language and can modify the meaning of many verbs. In your example “Se puede…” “Se” is used to indicate an impersonal sense to the sentence. In other words you are referring to anyone in general. For example, “¿Se puede nadar en esta playa.” – You can swim in this beach? “Se puede” would be translated as “You can..?” meaning, Anyone can swim in this beach?. I Hope that helps. Mauricio.


Just to add something to Mauricio's explanation... In formal English, "se puede" indicates that the sentence is in the passive form. In other words, "it can be done," or "one can do it." There's no specific subject for the sentence (like I, he, she, etc). For example, when Ecuador's football team qualified for the World Cup, their slogan was, *¡Sí se puede!* _Yes, it can be done!_

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