


Ok. Everyone is posting on Facebook their messages Then putting "se siente Feliz" or "se siente sola" ?? I don't understand? If they see referring to oneself shouldn't it be "me siento Feliz" or "me siento sola"???


Well, you're right. It should be in the first person (me siento) I think. Hopefully a native Spanish speaker can elaborate on this. Having said that, it could be "facebook slang", or local usage as well. Many times we say in English "feelin lonely", or "feelin happy" or even refer to ourselves in the third person (John is tired today). In English, the words used in social media (as well as music, urban slang or even written in advertisments) often have no relation to how the language should be properly used. (just guessing here...)


Are they using the "se" in an ambiguous way. Could they be saying: Be happy! Perhaps "se siente sola" could translate to: Be yourself!


I don't know por ejemplo :: I am Going to go to happy hour today. Se siente Feliz. Why "se" not "me siento feliz"


You've pretty much answered your own question by using the word "oneself" which is 3rd pers. sing. "se". It's not just "he, she & it". It's "he, she, it & one (or oneself)". French uses this form a lot.


Thank You David.. Yes I keep forgetting se is for oneself too!!


Hola, People uses the verb sentir in the third person singular in their Spanish facebooks because (at least in the old format) before the post their name is already there. For example, in my facebook I would have: 'Victoria...' so I would add "se siente triste ("Victoria feels sad"). It would sound weird to say 'Victoria me siento triste' ("Victoria I feel sad"). I hope this makes sense! Saludos, Victoria

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