Forum Rocket Spanish Spanish - Grammar Seremos muy cuidadosos con ambos.

Seremos muy cuidadosos con ambos.



We’ll be very careful with you both.  [From the Spanish Travelogue course]

The context is two people who will shortly be helping two others. Why isn't it "Estaremos..."? I wonder if I'm ever going to get this ser-estar thing straight. Frustrating as it comes up so often in conversation.



Hola Steven,
I hope Marie or someone explains this as estaremos  seems right to me as well. Early in the course  I remember Mauricio saying: " Vamos a estar preparados." Using the future tense this would be "Estaremos preparados." Same meaning,  said two different ways. So  if cuidadosos was substituted  for preparados, wouldn't it be correct usage?



I think it might be one of those situations where  you can use either.  Maybe "estar" would insinuate that they will treat them this way in this particular circumstance, and "ser" would insinuate that they will treat them this way because that is just the type of people they are. 
Like "Soy nervioso" means I am a nervous person by nature, and "Estoy nervioso" means I am nervous at a particular moment in time, but not necessarily by nature.  
I'm just thinking out loud.  I'm interested in Marie's explanation, too.  


Hola a todos,

 Good  reply from yademas! I was thinking later after my  reply that maybe it could be either also, though not sure why. I say to my dog: "¡No seas terco!"  Don't be stubborn!  Seas  implies don't be a" stubborn dog " (  a type by nature)  though  I am  speaking to him about his present behavior?  Just thinking and replying out loud. Interesting  post!


Hola amigos,

Thanks for your responses and that is an interesting case with your dog, Ricardo. I have troubling seeing it in this context though. It's people who have recently met and the person speaking (with one other person) is going to help two others on a short scuba dive. So I'm still a bit confused here.



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