Forum Rocket Spanish Spanish - Grammar Sería genial si hacemos el curso juntos

Sería genial si hacemos el curso juntos



Creo que esta frase debería ser:
- Sería genial si hiciéramos el curso juntos.

¿Estoy en lo correcto?


otra frase en la misma leccion:
...sería una buena idea que ambos nos certifiquemos como buceadores antes de ir.

...sería una buena idea que ambos nos certificáramos como buceadores antes de ir.


Creo que tienes razón.  (Although my focus is still very much on using the subjunctive present properly, I do like to at least identify why the other subjunctive tenses are used in certain sentences.)

I remember an early lesson in the indicative tenses that talked about using the present tense even when you are talking about a future event IF the event is taking place in the near future.   I'm not sure if something like that applies here to your second example.  



Dunno. Maybe this is what you're explaining but I do see the difference when I translate into English:
- It would be a good idea that we both get certified as scuba divers before going.
- It would be a good idea if we were both to get certified as scuba divers before going.

So my second take on the "getting certified" phrase is indeed wrong: the difference is in the usage of que as opposed to si.


- y podría ser que tengan la radio de Rick en su posesión.
- and they might have Rick’s radio in their hands.

It's good that RL throws in these different cases. The phrase directly above is an example where the present (subjunctive) is definitely called for (and it comes after the conditional + "que"), so - no hard and fast rules here. Probably in the first phrase at the top of the thread, it's correct either way.


some info on if clauses  in Spanish.


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