Forum Rocket Spanish Spanish - Grammar Sí, probablemente estemos... probablemente deberíamos

Sí, probablemente estemos... probablemente deberíamos



Sí, probablemente estemos un poco oxidados con nuestras habilidades; probablemente deberíamos tomar un curso de actualización una vez que estemos ahí...

Interesting - every time I go through the course, I pick up something different. The first phrase (Travelogue 11.5) takes the subjunctive (which makes sense to me) but not the second. Any idea why?


¡Hola Steven-W15!

The subjunctive is certainly one of the trickiest elements in Spanish!

The reason why the first phrase uses the subjunctive and the second uses the conditional is because they're expressing slightly different things.

In the first phrase, probablemente estemos is "(we) probably are," and the subjunctive is used because it is reflecting that there is some doubt or uncertainty.  

In the second phrase, probablemente deberíamos means "(we) probably should," and the conditional is used because it is expressing something that is more of a recommendation. It doesn't reflect the same doubt that is shown by the use of the subjunctive - it is more real, or concrete.

I hope that this was helpful!




THE trickiest element. I could kind of "feel" this one but it's nice to get confirmation and a clear explanation.  ¡Gracias, Liss!


¡De nada, Steven-W15! :)

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