Forum Rocket Spanish Spanish - Grammar Si todos habláramos, entenderán.

Si todos habláramos, entenderán.



This doesn't look right (from Lesson 21.6). I think this should be:
- Si todos habláramos, entenderían.

If everyone spoke, they would understand.


It looks like this sentence uses the future tense so it is saying "If we all speak, they will understand".  I'm sure there is some subtle reason why the second clause should remain in the future tense.
marieg-rocket languages

marieg-rocket languages

Hi guys, 

I will forward the issue with our Spanish Team for consideration. I think Steven's right, for me, it should be "entenderían" instead of "entenderán". I think it should be a conditional indicative use as a result of "si todos habláramos"... I will forward the question and let you know. 


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