Sino and sino que

Sting Rea

Sting Rea

I was under the impression that you used  sino if there was no conjugated verb after using sino in the sentence and sino que if there was a conjugated verb after using sino que.


In lesson 13.3 there is this sentence:  Mauricio no solo es director de ventas, sino tambien es programador.


There is a conjugated verb after sino in the sentence so I thought you would have to use sino que.



Donnie Rea



¡Hola Donnie Rea!

Thanks for getting in touch with us about this!

You're right: this sentence requires sino que, since it's followed by a phrase that contains a verb. (You may hear native speakers drop the que in this way when speaking casually, but to be grammatically correct, it should indeed be included.) 

Our apologies for the confusion caused by this! I'll pass this on to our Spanish team so that they can look into getting it fixed. In the meantime, if you're interested in getting some more practice with sino and sino que, you might want to check out Lesson 11.7: "'Neither,' 'Nor,' and More!"



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