sino + tambien



Hola. In lesson 14.5 "solo... sinon" is used with the word tambien (also). If "sinon" means "but also" is "tambien" optional? i.e. Clarisa es una chica no solo especial sino considerada. Would this sentence, without the "tambien" at the end as in the dialogue, also correct? Thanks for your help. Appreciated! Gracias! Jim


Hola Jim. I confess that I'm very confused by this lesson. The examples it gives do not seem to agree with the explanation provided at the start of the lesson. The explanation says that "sino" means "but rather" or "on the contrary." However, the Spanish sentences do not fit with that explanation. In the first sentence, "Clarisa es una chica no sólo especial sino considerada también," "sino" does NOT mean "but rather" or "on the contrary." The same problem exists in another of the sentences: "¿Sabías que ella no solo es guia en un centro de rescate de animales salvajes sino también trabaja en la conservación de la selva amazónica?" Here, too, "sino" does not mean "but rather" or "on the contrary." I think that "sino" can also be used in "not only . . . but also" (no sólo . . . sino también), but when it's used that way it does NOT mean "but rather" or "on the contrary." Two of the three sentences in the lesson that use "sino" seem to be using it in "not only . . but also" constructions. Here, by the way, are two examples of "sino" where it means "but rather" or "on the contrary." The examples come from the magazine _Think Spanish_: No soy alta, sino baja. I'm not tall, but rather short. Los pantalones de Ricky Martin no son de algodón, sino de cuero. Ricky Martin's pants are not made of cotton, but rather of leather. I hope this helps.


Muchas gracias, Nohablo! This does help, and while I try not to get too hung up on the grammar, it does help me remember the construction when I understand how to use it. The examples are helpful too! Gracias de nuevo. Buen dia!

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