Hi everyone,
I’ve recently gone through lesson 12.5: Nature Conversation and the corresponding grammar lesson 12.11: Being Contrary, But, Not Only. I’m a little confused on how sino works, and I was hoping that you could clear things up for me.
This is quoted directly from the grammar lesson 12.11:
“If what follows sino is a conjugated verb or a subordinate clause (rather than an infinitive or a noun), you’ll need to use sino que...Sino has another use. If you want to say that you not only won first place but also the grand prize, you will use the phrase no solo … sino. The word también is frequently used with no solo …sino. También means too or also.”
But this seems to contradict the examples given in the audio lesson 12.5.
Carmen says: “Y [la novia de Mario] no solo dijo que ustedes pueden ir a pescar cuando quieran sino que quiere aprender como cocinar las comidas típicas de Chile.” This seems to match 12.11, but this next example doesn’t follow the same format. Carmen later says: “¿Sabías que ella no solo es guía en un centro de rescate de animales salvajes, sino también trabaja en la conservación de la selva amazónica?” Why didn’t Carmen say: ¿Sabías que ella no solo es guía en un centro de rescate de animales salvajes, sino que trabaja en la conservación de la selva amazónica también?” I'm confused because there is a conjugated verb following sino, but Carmen didn't use sino que.
Muchas gracias por su ayuda! :)