In lesson 4.2 Bargaining, the text is solo para usted. Here solo means only, shouldn't it be sólo?
solo y sólo

Angel Castle
January 12, 2018

January 14, 2018
Here is an explanation from SpanishD¡
The adverb "solo" becomes "sólo" when there is the possibility of confusing it with the adjective "solo." As an example, "Tomé un café solo" can be translated as "I drank a black coffee" or "I only drank a coffee." "Tomé un café sólo" can only be translated as "I only drank a coffee."

Angel Castle
January 15, 2018
Gracias. Ahora entiendo. (Though I hate the extra trouble to distinguish whether there's an ambiguity...

January 15, 2018
That explains why I wasn't getting it - I didn't realize that the accent only comes in when there is an ambiguity. Thanks, Dan.