soy vs estoy



What determines the use of soy instead of estoy?


I am only a beginner but my understanding is that soy is for permanent states and estoy is for temporary ones such as I am tired, I am angry etc. It is more complicated but that is a start!


Basically the verb "Ser" (soy - I am) is used for permanent, or semi permanent things. Soy alto - I am tall, soy casado - I am married. Things which are permanent or nearly so (Brazil is (es) in South America. On the other hand, the verb "estar" (estoy) is used for temporary things, such as location "Estoy en la tienda - I am in the store", estoy enferma - I am sick. These are covered well in the Language and Culture lessons.


From another course I learned that estoy is used for married, divorced and dead for some reason.


Actually, I've read that also. So the answer is - I'm just not sure. I think it may be a regional. or local thing. The course here (Rocket Spanish) teaches us that ser is used for marital status, but these days marital status is often a temporary state! (although I would think that being dead should be a somewhat permant state...) (lesson 2.8 of the Premium course)

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