Here's a link to an article with links to many Spansh stations at:
"Spanish-language webcasts, podcasts and other programming is available for free on the Internet".
Spanish Radio Stations

April 19, 2006

April 20, 2006
Thanks Hombre,
There are some fantastic links in that page for tuning your listening skills.
Here is a personal favourite of mine, I'm not sure if I've mentioned it before but here it is.... __
It's a link to Chanel 13 of one of Chile's TV channels. You can watch anything from "Telenovelas" to "Los Simpson’s" all in Spanish.

April 26, 2006

August 2, 2012
Thank you for the answers here. Since I am an auditory learner, this will be extremely helpful. I hope not to start an argument with this question, but is there a particular radio station that you would recommend for a beginner like me. I would like to learn - how do I say this - "middle of the road" pronunciations that will be understood by most Spanish speakers in the United States. Is that what I am learning in Rocket Spanish?
Thanks for the advice!