Spanish Television



This may not be the appropriate section of the forum to post this but it seems to be the most active so here goes. I dont know if this has been mentioned before but I am finding out that watching saturday morning cartoons on spanish tv can be a good learning tool for beginners. Some of the shows clearly state that they are for the education of children. I mean think about it; most of us true beginners know less sapnish than most preschoolers who are native speakers. True, the shows are silly but they generally use short slowly spoken senences. Even I know almost all of the vocab. they use. They really help in the verbal comprehension dept. Adios amigos!


Hello, I totally agree with your comment, TV was a big part on my language learning experience, just having the visual aid to go with the spoken word helps immensely. Children’s programs are the best to learn with because that is what most of them are intended for. Clear and simple speech. So if you get the chance, sit back and relax and watch some Spanish cartoons or educational programs. Also, I though I mentioned the great value of reading comic books in the language that you are studying. It is so easy to get the meaning of sentences when you have a picture that reflects what it means... also they are quite entertaining... :wink: Mauricio.


Dora from "Dora the Explorer", the popular American cartoon which airs on Nickelodeon, and Tico, as well as other characters on the show, helped me on my road as a beginner of the Spanish language. I am proud to say I am no longer a beginner. I have learned Spanish on my own for nearly a year now. It will make a year on November 13, 2006. Other American cartoons I watch from time to time, include: "Go, Diego, Go!" (el primo de Dora), PBS network cartoon, "Maya & Miguel", and the cartoon, "Handy Manny" from Playhouse Disney, part of the Disney Channel. I also watch Spanish shows from the Univision network. While watching the cartoons and shows, I turn the closed captioning on, so that I can visualize the words; in spelling and pronunciation, while listening. That helps me tremendously. Maybe my next venture al aprender más, será reading comic books. :wink:

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