Forum Rocket Spanish Spanish - Grammar Spanish Verb Conjugation Trainer

Spanish Verb Conjugation Trainer



With the [url=]Conjugation Trainer[/url:39unsxtb] you can improve your knowledge of the most frequent forms of the most important Spanish verbs. There are three steps: [list:39unsxtb][*:39unsxtb]Select verb tense[/*:m:39unsxtb] [*:39unsxtb]Select verbs[/*:m:39unsxtb] [*:39unsxtb] Practice[/*:m:39unsxtb][/list:u:39unsxtb]


Thanks for sharing the website for the conjugation trainer. I've tried the online translation websites and they haven't been very helpful. This should make learning a lot easier for me :idea:


Here's an easier to use [url=]Spanish verb conjugation trainer[/url:1gv2ymn0]. That site also has a lot of other good activities.

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