¿Cuál es la diferencia entre Éste/Ésta y este/esta? Por ejemplo, looking at a picture with several niños, you would say, “Éste es mi hermano.” but in this sentence you would say “Mi casa no está en este barrio.”
You would say “Ésta es mi familia” looking at a picture of a family and in the question you would say ¿Cómo está usted esta mañana?”
One of my libros de español teaches that Éste mean “this one” and este means “this.” Is this correct?
Éste/Ésta y este/esta

June 16, 2006

June 16, 2006
Hola Frank. I think the examples you've given are correct. What
makes the issue a little complicated is that *este* and *esta* can
function both as adjectives (modifying a noun) and as pronouns
(replacing a noun).
As adjectives, they don't use accent marks. Thus, *este barrio* and
*esta mañana*.
As pronouns, the first e is accented: *Dame éste* = give me this
one (*éste* refers to a masculine noun). *Dame ésta *= give me this one
(*ésta *refers to a feminine noun).
And, of course, if you say "¿como está?" the word está it totally
different from the adjectives and adverbs mentioned above. "*Está*" is
simply the third person singular in the present tense of the verb
You can find out more in section 4.5 of the *Rocket Spanish Beginner's
Book*. I highly recommend this resource. Also helpful may be the
Beginner's Page of spanish.about.com:
__http://spanish.about.com/cs/forbeginners/a/beg_lessons.htm__ . Click on
Demonstrative Adjectives and on Demonstrative Pronouns.
I hope this helps.