i am a freshman in high school and my class is now going over stem changing verbs and i am just having a really hard time understanding and remembering what goes with what and what goes where. my teacher tries her best but i still just don't understand!
stem changing verbs

April 16, 2014

Ava Dawn
April 16, 2014
Here's an example:
hablar - to speak
"ar" is the stem
Yo hablo (change the ar to o) - I speak
Tu hablas (change the ar to as)- You speak
Usted, El, Ella habla (change the ar to a)- You (formal), he she speaks
The three most common stems are ar, er and ir
Just be patient. Write it down. The regular verbs will follow the pattern. The irregular verbs will follow later.

Ava Dawn
April 16, 2014
See lesson 2.8 It talks about verbs in the present tense. The stem changing is there and there are examples. When I was in high school, so much emphasis was put on the verb conjugations that I never learned the conversational part of it. I love Rocket Spanish. There is a lot more memorizing of sentences but once I memorized, I can repeat it to someone else in complete sentences

April 16, 2014
I agree, Aurora. My granddaughter had taken 2 years of high school Spanish and last summer when I saw her I talked to her about her classes she said they mostly just conjugated verbs and didn't practice much actual conversation. I understand how important conjugation is, but it seems to me that the classes would be so much more interesting if they ncluded practical use of the language, not just didactic study.

April 18, 2014
Skyler 9 is asking about stem-changing verbs. The lesson that deals with these in the present tense is lesson 5.9. That seems to be a very good place to start.