Forum Rocket Spanish Spanish - Grammar Subject pronouns in the imperfect tense

Subject pronouns in the imperfect tense



I just started working on the lessons in the imperfect tense. I am noticing that yo and other subject pronouns are being used a lot, as in "Yo tenía pelo rubio," or "Yo era profesora." Am I correct in assuming that subject pronouns would be more often needed in the imperfect tense since the first and third person conjugations are the same, and there could be confusion whether I, he or she had blond hair or whether I he or she was a teacher?


Hola Dan, Correcto, esa es la razón. Saludos, Ricardo


Ricardo: Gracias para tu respuesta. Dan


Hola Dan, De nada amigo. Ya voy a escribir en inglés. When you move on to the subjunctive, the first person and the third will also be the same and it is good that you have recognized this need for clarification. If I can offer a kind correction, se dice "por" tu respuesta, no "para". Saludos, Ricardo


Ricardo, I will always appreciate corrections. Like many new students I struggle with por vs. para. I usually look up a chart if I am unclear which to use, which I did in this case, but did not find a clear indication. So I guessed wrong. Thanks again. Dan

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