


"Lo que es triste es que la pobre novia, esperando toda su vida el día de su matrimonio, se pone linda para las fotos, y ¿qué pasa? Su novio aparece con un yeso gigante en la muñeca. Todas las fotos, estropeadas!" Interesting. " triste... que..." will require the dependent phrase in the subjunctive. The verb in question looks like it should be "aparecer" - but it's in a follow-on sentence. Should it be in the subjunctive? [I realize in a conversation no one would even notice, but what about in writing?]


Hola Steven, Though "que" can be a trigger for the subjunctive, depending on what is being said, the use of que is not causal and que is used used to introduce subordinated clauses of all kinds. Some require the subjunctive and some do not. In this case, Su novio aparece etc. is not a subordinated clause. It is an indicative sentence answering ¿qué pasa?. "Lo que es triste es que la pobre novia...." is just saying, What is sad is that the poor bride etc. There is a link to 10 videos on the subjunctive from Light Speed Spanish that I posted. Also, if you search Notes in Spanish they offer a free booklet covering the subjunctive which you can download for free. Saludos, Ricardo


Thanks Ricardo!


Hola Steven, De nada amigo. The 10 Light Speed videos address the present subjunctive but on the Light Speed site there are some other videos that delve into other subjunctive "tenses" "moods" however they may be referred to. It took a very long time for me, but the subjunctive has changed from baffling and frustrating to a greater understanding of it, though I still have a long way to go. I hope you find the resources helpful. Saludos, Ricardo

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